Big Brother 13 Possible Dynamic Duos Revealed? *Update*

Big Brother 13 Possible Dynamic Duos Revealed? *Update*

Posted by Dustin on 06.30.2011 at 2:47 pm

On’s Big Brother Page you can vote for which couples you think are likely to return . . . note not that they WILL be the ones returning. Here is a snapshots of the candidates.

*Update* So as it turns out, 3 of the above 6 couples are said to be the ones back in the house. According to a thread on JokersUpdates, Rachel and Brendon (who not only are back together BUT getting married) just pushed their wedding back from September to next May. Most take it as they are back in.

Will Kirby has also supposedly released a statement wishing everyone at “Big Brother” well, but if you believe him, he isn’t playing. So he and Mike are probably not going to be there.


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